January OMRA Officers Meeting

Attendance: Chuck Worley, Ryan Reid, Dan Harte, Dave Cady, Tina Cady, Jordan Rhinevault, Lonny Johnson, Justin Lewis, Dan Jordan, Carl Feague, Tom Niemela and Ami Hunt.

I. Treasury Report

  • We reviewed finances for the OMRA and YSEP. Membership and Sponsor signups are tremendously important in ensuring that we have the correct funds to make 2016 a success.

II. Plans for Banquet

  • The 2015 race awards banquet will be held on February 6th and Beaverton Honda. More details and the ability to RSVP will be out shortly.
  • Dinner will be catered by Baja Fresh.
  • We will have trophies, prizes, and be auctioning off a grip of goods from our sponsors.

III. Membership / Sponsors

  • Our yearly membership drive has begin. We will be signing up families and individuals online, at the banquet, and at all OMRA sanctioned events. We need members to do their part in helping us expand the reach of the OMRA. If you ride a dirt bike, you owe it to the sport so sign yourself and a buddy up.
  • We are actively signing up sponsors to support the OMRA for 2016. If anyone has a lead on a potential sponsor please send it to officers@omraoffroad.com.

IV. Competition Report

  • The competition and non-competition calendars have been finalized and will be distributed over the next month.
  • We have made, and are making extensive revisions to the rule book. All changes will be finalized prior to the first race of the season.
  • We have decided to combine 60 and 70 year classes into a single 60+ class.
  • Family memberships will include children in Jr. A, B, and C.
  • We will be doing an OMRA fun run at Kingsley Reservoir on May 28th. This event will be free to all OMRA members.

V. Promotion/website

  • We are actively rebuilding the OMRA website to better serve our members and clubs. The site will be mobile friendly and greatly expand on the resources available to our audience.
  • We will be distributing race posters and the 2016 OMRA brochure at the banquet in February.

VI. Land Use/Grants

  • The State will be holding an OHV workshop in 2016.


  • We certified 265 kids in 2015.