Update and secure the Recreation Trails Program

The OMRA wants to encourage you to, very briefly, email your U.S. Representative asking them to co-sponsor or at least support bi-partisan Federal legislation - H.R. 5797. Find your U.S. Representative here

What will it do?

  • It would properly fund the Recreation Trails Program, or RTP, which sends millions of dollars a year to the various states for OHV trails and facilities.

  • This is not a new program, taking new money. This is money that you already send to Washington DC when you pay highway gas taxes on each gallon of Off highway vehicle fuel.

  • This bill makes sure we get more of our gas tax money refunded back to our trail systems, where it belongs, instead of so much of that money disappearing into the federal highway program.

  • Don’t worry about writing well, and the shorter the better -  literally 20 words will do - just email!

Do it today!


If you have time, please do the same for your U.S. senator, for the equivalent Senate Bill: S 1527. If you’re an Oregonian, both: Senators Wyden and Merkley. A Washingtonian, both: Senators Cantwell and Murray

Find other State’s U.S. Senators here.

Rights, RidingJustin Lewis