State of the Series

Fellow riders and racers,

The OMRA has made the unanimous decision to cancel the 2020 Power Motorsports OMRA Race Series. This decision did not come lightly and only came after much deliberation on how to best uphold the value we provide to our members and sponsors. We will be rolling all membership and sponsorship dollars forward for a complete redo in 2021. We will process select refunds, minus transaction fees, for members who prefer that method instead.

We will be maintaining and sharing a calendar of competition and non competition events that you can use your own good judgement in attending. Our goal is to continue to strengthen off-road riding and racing in Oregon while adapting to the near term realities of the pandemic.

We recognize that there will be frustration with this decision. We accept that and welcome a healthy debate on the best way to get back to the activities we all love. Trust that we have good intentions and that the decisions we’ve made we’re for the long term health of our sport, the health of our community and the quality of what we offer you.

On a personal level, I’m going to miss racing the series this year. I have two little boys that have never not known race weekends with our OMRA family. No joke, Michelle raced and finished China Hat 8 weeks after giving birth to our youngest son James. We have been committed in so many ways to this life. Part of me fears that the time away will change the one thing in my life that I want to stay exactly the same. I want the OMRA to be there for my boys. I want them to experience the anguish and joy that racing can bring. For that reason, you can bet that this series will be back and better than ever in 2021.

We wish each of you the best in this trying time and we look forward to seeing you on the trails.

UPDATE: All 1 and 2 year memberships in Raceday have been extended forward 1 year.

Justin Lewis
OMRA Marketing Director